Thierry Bisch is a famous contemporary artist painter and widlife artist born in 1953. His widlife art on canvas, like portraits of horses, bears, dogs, elephants, gorilla-ape-silverback-threatened-endangered-extinction, wild animals and pets can be found here.
You are looking at Gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla-ape-silverback-threatened-endangered-extinction, done in tempera & oil on canvas
There are 2 species of gorillas: those from western Africa (Congo, Gabon, Cameroon), those from east (Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda) and 4 under subspecies) defined according to his place of life. (Plain, mountain, swamp, forest)
The West-African forest block shelters the most plentiful subspecies.
They are the human beings the closest to the Man, after Bonobo and the Chimpanzee, because the DNA of gorillas is from 98 % to 99 % identical to the human beings.
Gorillas, as other monkeys close to the man possess dermatoglyphes (equivalent of fingerprints), including the phalanxes of the hands which are zones of contacts with the ground when the gorilla walks on its closed or half opened fists.
By their specific diet (fruits, vegetables) the role of the gorilla is essential in the regeneration of forests. By ingesting a big quantity of seeds and by rejecting them in pierced foresters, gorillas participate actively in the forest regeneration
At the beginning of 2009, one of the vastest studies never made on great apes, led by scientists of the University of Saint-Andrews in Scotland, indicates the existence of a common language to all the gorillas based on 102 signs.
Bestiary in the menu to see some other canvas of wild and domestic animals and other gorilla-ape-silverback-threatened-endangered-extinction.
Be sure to check the
Edition section for some great animal, gorilla-ape-silverback-threatened-endangered-extinction, art for decoration.